Have you ever heard the term maturation?
if masturbate I'm sure almost all the normal teenage boy would know about it
but what about maturation?
Well we'll discuss what that maturation
Maturation is a process that occurs naturally in meat during cold storage after the cattle are slaughtered to give effect to the improvement of the palatability of meat (rib and loin).
During maturation will occur split or fragmentation of proteins miofiblier by enzymes naturally result in improved meat tenderness, particularly in the rib and loin. In 2oC temperature, time to maturation yangdibutuhkan meat is 10-15 days, but for reasons of time economy was reduced to 7-8 days. Due to the rapid demand for the provision of meat and the development of supermarkets and meat shops are equipped with the cooling chain at the level of maturation time RPH shortened to 1-2 days; after rigor mortis formed carcass (whole and retail cuts) can be distributed to supermarkets and butcher shops, in the hope that the aging process will take place during the display of meat products (Abustam, 2008).
Faustman (1994) states that the time required for maturation was 12 days for beef, pork for 3-5 days and 1-2 days for chicken meat.
During aging will happen improvement of meat tenderness is physically caused by the fragmentation caused by work miofibriler protein-digesting enzymes. There are two groups of enzymes that play a role in this process is calcium dependence pengempu protease (CaDP) or any other name calpain intense work at the time prarigor and cathepsin groups that actively work at the time miofibriler. Calpain in enzyme activity would be inhibited by calpastatin, so that the effectiveness of tenderness will depend on the amount of the enzyme inhibitor (Abustam, 2008).
Pengempu Poses can be accelerated by elevating the temperature of storage. Within two days of storage at a temperature of 20oC can provide the same degree of tenderness with storage 14 days at a temperature of 0oC (Tabrany, 2001).
Next Tabrany (2001) adds that the withering occurs due process of contraction and relaxation in the muscles of cattle slaughtered shortly after that causes biochemical changes in the network. The process of contraction causes the muscle become hardened and stiff while the relaxation process causes the muscle tissue becomes soft and tender. Meat tenderness can occur because of livestock in the muscle glycogen stores as a source of energy supplies, for the rest of cattle for 24 hours can increase the amount of glycogen yng will ultimately lead to muscle tissue becomes soft and tender.
According Abustam (2008) that there are 2 types of aging on the carcass / meat that is:
1) Dry aging, the whole carcass or carcass main piece openly (without covered or packaged) is placed in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to 1.11 ° C (32-34oF), 80-85% relative humidity, air velocity 0.5 - 2.5 m / s during 21-28 days.
2) Wet aging, namely dimaturasikan meat in a plastic bag vacuum, temperature from 0 to 1.11 ° C (32-34oC), humidity and air velocity is not a necessary requirement in the maturation closed.
Limiting factor aging are as follows:
a) humidity, high humidity will lead to excessive microbial growth. At low humidity result in excessive shrinkage. Relative humidity 85% to slow the growth of microbial and meat will decrease fluid loss.
b) The temperature, at high temperatures will accelerate the development of tenderness but also increased microbial growth.
c) air velocity, at low air speeds will cause excessive water condensation on the product which will produce a distorted aroma and flavor (off-flavor) and decay. Being at high air velocity will result in excessive drying of carcass surfaces.
Aging time relationship with meat tenderness Level
Withering is highly recommended that the process of rigor mortis lasts perfectly. Withering process is usually done in animal Slaughterhouse (RPH) by hanging or storage for a certain time at a given temperature above the freezing point of carcasses or meat (-1.5 C). Withering is longer than 24 hours or from the onset of rigor or rigor mortis meat can be called maturation. Withering is usually performed at a temperature of 32 - 38oF (0 - 3oC), after cooling for approximately 24 hours at a temperature of-4oC until 1oC or called chilling. At this temperature enzyme activity was inhibited and meat pengempu process lasts between ten to forty days. Distinctive flavor of meat can be formed after one week of withering, but the low-quality meat tenderness rarely achieve good in the process of withering (Tabrany, 2001).
Pengempu process can be accelerated by elevating the temperature of storage. Within two days of storage at a temperature of 20oC can provide the same degree of tenderness with storage 14 days at a temperature of 0oC. Beef carcasses requires withering. Carcasses of sheep or goats can not dilayukan, because the meat is already tender relaif when cattle slaughtered at a relatively young age and the stiffness takes place in a relatively quick time. Similarly, poultry carcass, do not require such withering carcass large ruminants. Carcass fat pig because of the unstable layer that is easy to experience the process of oxidative ransiditas the withering of the old (eg more than 24 hours) would not provide a favorable outcome (Tabrany, 2001).
Withering occur due to the contraction and relaxation in the muscles of cattle slaughtered shortly after that causes biochemical changes in the network as shown in the following scheme: Scheme changes - changes in muscle tissue of cattle meat pieces (Tabrany, 2001).
The process of contraction causes the muscle become hardened and stiff while the relaxation process causes the muscle tissue becomes soft and tender. Phases experienced by the muscle tissue of animals after the cut is the phase of pre rigor mortis, rigor mortis, and post-rigor mortis. In the phase of pre rigor mortis meat is still soft because the water holding capacity of muscle tissue is still high, long phase of pre rigor mortis ranges from 5-8 hours, depending on the type of animal. The new findings indicate that there is muscle wasting in pre rigor mortis phase, therefore increasing severity of muscle can be reduced by storing meat at a temperature of 20oC in the phase of pre rigor mortis. In the phase of rigor mortis muscle tissue becomes hard and rigid. This phase is highly dependent on storage conditions. Storage at low temperatures can cause the phases of rigor mortis lasts long enough. While the post-rigor mortis phase is the phase formation of flavor, in this phase of the meat back into a soft and tender because the water holding capacity in muscle meat back meningkat.Lama withering associated with the completion of the process of rigor mortis (stiffness of the flesh), in this case if the process of rigor mortis not yet completed and meat already frozen it will lower the quality of meat or meat undergo a process of cold-shortening (shrinkage cold) or thaw rigor (stiffness of melting meat) at the time of thawing that will produce meat that is not soft (tough) (Tabrany, 2001).
Meat tenderness can occur because of livestock in the muscle glycogen stores as a source of energy supplies, for the rest of livestock to be cut for 24 hours can increase the amount of glycogen, which in turn will cause the muscle tissue becomes soft and tender. Another opinion states that the factors that influence meat tenderness is a factor before slaughter (ante mortem) and after slaughter (post mortem). Which include ante mortem is genetic background, the ways of cutting, storage duration, storage temperature and penembahan tenderizer, in addition to those factors contained the number of fat tissue between the muscles involved binding effect on meat tenderness (Tabrany, 2001).
The meat will become tender if dilayukan this because during the process of withering occurred changes in intra and extra cellular proteins that Autolisis process in which meat produce meat more tender, more moist and the flavor is better.
Function pengempu meat with withering is a function of time and temperature. At high temperatures will produce a certain level of tenderness in a faster time than at low temperatures. Tenderness can also be enhanced by cooling treatment, enzyme treatment and boiling (Tabrany, 2001).
After the death of livestock and meat had rigor mortis, ties loosened miofibril structure by proteolytic enzymes, degradation of protein components of miofibril to improve meat tenderness. Denaturation of proteins in withering due to low pH, temperatures above 25oC or below 0oC, the desikasi. On the withering miofibril and sarcoplasmic protein denaturation while having no denatured collagen and elastin. Protein denaturation will cause the water holding capacity of meat down so the meat will experience a loss of meat or weep fluid. Minimum point of water holding capacity at pH 5.4 to 5.5. Withering to reduce the power off WB (Warner Blatzler), so as to improve the tenderness of meat, breaking the power value is the index level kealotan WB miofibrilar of meat (Tabrany, 2001).
if masturbate I'm sure almost all the normal teenage boy would know about it
but what about maturation?
Well we'll discuss what that maturation
Maturation is a process that occurs naturally in meat during cold storage after the cattle are slaughtered to give effect to the improvement of the palatability of meat (rib and loin).
During maturation will occur split or fragmentation of proteins miofiblier by enzymes naturally result in improved meat tenderness, particularly in the rib and loin. In 2oC temperature, time to maturation yangdibutuhkan meat is 10-15 days, but for reasons of time economy was reduced to 7-8 days. Due to the rapid demand for the provision of meat and the development of supermarkets and meat shops are equipped with the cooling chain at the level of maturation time RPH shortened to 1-2 days; after rigor mortis formed carcass (whole and retail cuts) can be distributed to supermarkets and butcher shops, in the hope that the aging process will take place during the display of meat products (Abustam, 2008).
Faustman (1994) states that the time required for maturation was 12 days for beef, pork for 3-5 days and 1-2 days for chicken meat.
During aging will happen improvement of meat tenderness is physically caused by the fragmentation caused by work miofibriler protein-digesting enzymes. There are two groups of enzymes that play a role in this process is calcium dependence pengempu protease (CaDP) or any other name calpain intense work at the time prarigor and cathepsin groups that actively work at the time miofibriler. Calpain in enzyme activity would be inhibited by calpastatin, so that the effectiveness of tenderness will depend on the amount of the enzyme inhibitor (Abustam, 2008).
Pengempu Poses can be accelerated by elevating the temperature of storage. Within two days of storage at a temperature of 20oC can provide the same degree of tenderness with storage 14 days at a temperature of 0oC (Tabrany, 2001).
Next Tabrany (2001) adds that the withering occurs due process of contraction and relaxation in the muscles of cattle slaughtered shortly after that causes biochemical changes in the network. The process of contraction causes the muscle become hardened and stiff while the relaxation process causes the muscle tissue becomes soft and tender. Meat tenderness can occur because of livestock in the muscle glycogen stores as a source of energy supplies, for the rest of cattle for 24 hours can increase the amount of glycogen yng will ultimately lead to muscle tissue becomes soft and tender.
According Abustam (2008) that there are 2 types of aging on the carcass / meat that is:
1) Dry aging, the whole carcass or carcass main piece openly (without covered or packaged) is placed in the refrigerator at a temperature of 0 to 1.11 ° C (32-34oF), 80-85% relative humidity, air velocity 0.5 - 2.5 m / s during 21-28 days.
2) Wet aging, namely dimaturasikan meat in a plastic bag vacuum, temperature from 0 to 1.11 ° C (32-34oC), humidity and air velocity is not a necessary requirement in the maturation closed.
Limiting factor aging are as follows:
a) humidity, high humidity will lead to excessive microbial growth. At low humidity result in excessive shrinkage. Relative humidity 85% to slow the growth of microbial and meat will decrease fluid loss.
b) The temperature, at high temperatures will accelerate the development of tenderness but also increased microbial growth.
c) air velocity, at low air speeds will cause excessive water condensation on the product which will produce a distorted aroma and flavor (off-flavor) and decay. Being at high air velocity will result in excessive drying of carcass surfaces.
Aging time relationship with meat tenderness Level
Withering is highly recommended that the process of rigor mortis lasts perfectly. Withering process is usually done in animal Slaughterhouse (RPH) by hanging or storage for a certain time at a given temperature above the freezing point of carcasses or meat (-1.5 C). Withering is longer than 24 hours or from the onset of rigor or rigor mortis meat can be called maturation. Withering is usually performed at a temperature of 32 - 38oF (0 - 3oC), after cooling for approximately 24 hours at a temperature of-4oC until 1oC or called chilling. At this temperature enzyme activity was inhibited and meat pengempu process lasts between ten to forty days. Distinctive flavor of meat can be formed after one week of withering, but the low-quality meat tenderness rarely achieve good in the process of withering (Tabrany, 2001).
Pengempu process can be accelerated by elevating the temperature of storage. Within two days of storage at a temperature of 20oC can provide the same degree of tenderness with storage 14 days at a temperature of 0oC. Beef carcasses requires withering. Carcasses of sheep or goats can not dilayukan, because the meat is already tender relaif when cattle slaughtered at a relatively young age and the stiffness takes place in a relatively quick time. Similarly, poultry carcass, do not require such withering carcass large ruminants. Carcass fat pig because of the unstable layer that is easy to experience the process of oxidative ransiditas the withering of the old (eg more than 24 hours) would not provide a favorable outcome (Tabrany, 2001).
Withering occur due to the contraction and relaxation in the muscles of cattle slaughtered shortly after that causes biochemical changes in the network as shown in the following scheme: Scheme changes - changes in muscle tissue of cattle meat pieces (Tabrany, 2001).
The process of contraction causes the muscle become hardened and stiff while the relaxation process causes the muscle tissue becomes soft and tender. Phases experienced by the muscle tissue of animals after the cut is the phase of pre rigor mortis, rigor mortis, and post-rigor mortis. In the phase of pre rigor mortis meat is still soft because the water holding capacity of muscle tissue is still high, long phase of pre rigor mortis ranges from 5-8 hours, depending on the type of animal. The new findings indicate that there is muscle wasting in pre rigor mortis phase, therefore increasing severity of muscle can be reduced by storing meat at a temperature of 20oC in the phase of pre rigor mortis. In the phase of rigor mortis muscle tissue becomes hard and rigid. This phase is highly dependent on storage conditions. Storage at low temperatures can cause the phases of rigor mortis lasts long enough. While the post-rigor mortis phase is the phase formation of flavor, in this phase of the meat back into a soft and tender because the water holding capacity in muscle meat back meningkat.Lama withering associated with the completion of the process of rigor mortis (stiffness of the flesh), in this case if the process of rigor mortis not yet completed and meat already frozen it will lower the quality of meat or meat undergo a process of cold-shortening (shrinkage cold) or thaw rigor (stiffness of melting meat) at the time of thawing that will produce meat that is not soft (tough) (Tabrany, 2001).
Meat tenderness can occur because of livestock in the muscle glycogen stores as a source of energy supplies, for the rest of livestock to be cut for 24 hours can increase the amount of glycogen, which in turn will cause the muscle tissue becomes soft and tender. Another opinion states that the factors that influence meat tenderness is a factor before slaughter (ante mortem) and after slaughter (post mortem). Which include ante mortem is genetic background, the ways of cutting, storage duration, storage temperature and penembahan tenderizer, in addition to those factors contained the number of fat tissue between the muscles involved binding effect on meat tenderness (Tabrany, 2001).
The meat will become tender if dilayukan this because during the process of withering occurred changes in intra and extra cellular proteins that Autolisis process in which meat produce meat more tender, more moist and the flavor is better.
Function pengempu meat with withering is a function of time and temperature. At high temperatures will produce a certain level of tenderness in a faster time than at low temperatures. Tenderness can also be enhanced by cooling treatment, enzyme treatment and boiling (Tabrany, 2001).
After the death of livestock and meat had rigor mortis, ties loosened miofibril structure by proteolytic enzymes, degradation of protein components of miofibril to improve meat tenderness. Denaturation of proteins in withering due to low pH, temperatures above 25oC or below 0oC, the desikasi. On the withering miofibril and sarcoplasmic protein denaturation while having no denatured collagen and elastin. Protein denaturation will cause the water holding capacity of meat down so the meat will experience a loss of meat or weep fluid. Minimum point of water holding capacity at pH 5.4 to 5.5. Withering to reduce the power off WB (Warner Blatzler), so as to improve the tenderness of meat, breaking the power value is the index level kealotan WB miofibrilar of meat (Tabrany, 2001).
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